Just because…

I’ve been reminded this week that it truly is a blessing to wake up each day.  I keep thinking about the fact that if today were my last day, I’d have a mountain of regrets. At first I considered all the things I never would’ve crossed off my bucket list – the places I hoped to visit or adventures I’d be proud to say I braved. But in the end, it doesn’t matter how many planes you’ve jumped out of or the number of countries you’ve travelled. Our lives are really summed up by the people we touch. Those that we leave behind are the only way to keep our memory alive.

Keeping in touch with people has never been my strong suit. I’m not good about calling just to say hi or reaching out to get together with friends. I have taken many relationships for granted and not tended to them like I should. I have not told enough people that I am thankful to have them in my life.

Relationships, whether with your spouse, parents, siblings or childhood friends, require a little TLC. And that’s a good thing because anything worth holding onto is worth the effort. I have decided that it’s time that I start taking better care of the people that matter most to me. I’ve learned along the way that I can’t change who I am overnight, but with baby steps I can work on being a better person. I will be purposefully reaching out to at least one person every week. There is no time like the present to tell someone you care about them.

This week, I sent this little box to someone that has been on my mind a lot. I love her dearly and hope she knows that I cherish her always.  I included a blank, stamped notecard in the package. Perhaps this will spread around the world and back to me some day. I hope any of you out there reading take the time to reach out to someone that you care about, just because…
Reach Out 1B
Reach Out 1A